Meet The Troops

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wet Chalkboard Writing and The Bean Bucket

Faithy is having fun this week writing some of her letters with a little wet sponge on the chalkboard. Just another fun way of practicing letter writing without actually sitting at the table and writing. :) She's enjoying it very much...and the chalkboard is now very clean! :)

Ha! Ha! I just realized as I am posting this that my kids are wearing their pajamas in over 1/2 of our 'school time' pictures! LOL! Yes, we wear our pj's most all the day if we don't have to go anywhere. Why not stay comfy? :) But really...I think it's because most of the time we get up so early and the kids are ready to get started that we just begin our day and don't often get the kids dressed until after we take a break and have a mid morning snack....or "2nd Breakfast" as my kids like to call it because they get up so stinking early! LOL! Thanks to those dreadful Army trumpets blaring so early every morning!

So the Bean Bucket... it's definitely a favorite in our house, but is only to be taken out when Samuel is napping.

He got up earlier than I thought he would this day and Faithy was still happily playing with it so I thought I'd sit there with him and show him how we play in the bean bucket.... It took all of 2 seconds for THIS to happen....

See the floor!? Faithy instantly started saying "I didn't do it!" But it was okay...part of playing in the bean bucket is using the tiny broom and dustpan afterwards to clean it up. Only usually, the mess is much smaller!

My sweet Faith Elaina didn't mind though and she helped Mama clean it all up! But I don't think we'll be letting Samuel around the bean bucket again for a long time. :)


  1. If anyone would enjoy sweeping up the beans, it would be Faith. She's Oma's girl. :) Oma

  2. I stumbled upon your blog. You have GREAT ideas for the kids! I am just starting out school time with my 3 year old. Until her brother was born, she did NOT want me to teach her directly... so I feel behind LOL! I have a suggestion for your bean time! Put a blanket under the bucket while you train your son! The beans won't go nearly as far and it will be easier to clean up anything they might miss!
